Alabama Smith. v1.0 full retail
Alabama Smith. v1.0 full retail
Tested on the LG Optimus 2X.
Requires Android:
1.6 and up
Join a quest to find an artifact that will allow you to travel through time!
Alabama Smith is young, dashing and intelligent. He's also a brilliant student of archeology, so when his professor needs to find an artifact that allows a person to travel through time, he turns to our whip-smart hero for help. Join Alabama and the professor's daughter, Anastasia, as they travel to modern Pompeii on a mind-bending seek-and-find quest!
At first, you'll help Alabama search for the relic, and then you'll step into the role of Anastasia as she races to save her friend from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Jump back and forth between the past and the present to solve elaborate puzzles and prepare for shocking twists and turns in this story of double-crosses and intrigue. Photorealistic visuals and atmospheric audio make this already captivating adventure all the more compelling!
17 chapters
20 mini-games
Casual and Expert modes
Hundreds of hidden objects
Learn-as-you-play tutorial
More fun games from Alawar:
GOURMANIA – Become the world's top chef in this addictive hidden object smash hit!
TWISTED LANDS: SHADOW TOWN – Hidden object horror at its best! No matter how brave you are, it won't be enough.
最初您需要帮助阿拉巴马搜寻圣物,然后您需要帮助安娜塔西雅,因为她要赶时间将她的朋友在维苏威火山爆发之前拯救出来。穿越在过去和现在之间,解决精心制作的谜题,准备好迎接可怕的陷阱和阴谋故事中跌宕起伏的惊人冒险!逼真的画面和震撼的音效使这一动人心弦的探险经历更加引人入胜! 游戏功能:
◇ 17 个章节
◇ 20 个迷你小游戏
◇ 闲和专家模式
◇ 数百件隐藏物品
◇ 随玩随学教程
来自 Alawar 的更多有趣的游戏:
★ TANK-O-BOX(超级坦克大战)– 体验我们对经典街机坦克游戏改造后的精彩情节!
★ TWISTED LANDS: SHADOW TOWN(扭曲之地:阴影镇)– 最好的隐藏物品恐怖游戏!无论您多么勇敢都无法抵挡它的恐怖。
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