
[Android ARPG 遊戲] Cyber​​lords 生態建築 1.02

[Android ARPG 遊戲] Cyber​​lords 生態建築 1.02

的公民受到恐嚇的阿斯加德生態建築由企業安全部隊。鉛的電阻和拯救世界的總監督!全功能及免費的(廣告)!這是2173年。政府的權力是在下降,世界是由巨大的megacorporations。人們可能沒有政治權力,但他們仍然有控制自己的身體。強大的NanoGear植入授予超人的能力和轉化的屍體被扔進致命的武器。帶領你的四人隊增強數碼勇士危險滲透任務。侵入攝像系統和計算機終端,機器人接管安全引誘敵人進入伏擊和地雷和哨戒炮。隱身,巧妙的戰術或蠻力 - 選擇是你的,記住:未來掌握在你們手中!特點: - 科幻角色扮演 - 實時打擊與 4名隊員 - 戰術模式:暫停行動在任何時間 - 4個級別的難度 - 提高你的技能與生物力學擴增 - 超過 20種不同的武器,包括刀片,槍支,手榴彈和地雷 - Specialise你的團隊成員在隱身,戰鬥或黑客技能 - 許多成果,狩獵 - 模擬持久世界

Cyberlords Arcology is a new RPG game from popular game developer HandyGames.  They decided to go with
a futuristic RPG on this one and while it’s not bad there is definitely some room for improvement.  It’s very similar to the old genesis version of Shadowrun and has that same retro feel to it.  The storyline is well done and you can customize your characters with different weapons and cybernetic implants.
Gameplay & Features
You get to build a team of four soldiers and enhance them along with their abilities as the game progresses.  Your character upgrades are biomechanical in nature and help to increase your skills and abilities.  You are supposed tobe able to “hack” into security systems, but I haven’t gotten that far in the game yet. There are many different items and weapons you can equip; I believe there are around 20 different weapons in all.
go here download:

