
[Android 模擬經營遊戲] Pocket League Story 足球物語 v1.0 Cracked 破解版

[Android 模擬經營遊戲] Pocket League Story 足球物語 v1.0 Cracked 破解版

Pocket League Story(足球物語)是 kairosoft 繼暖暖溫泉鄉和方程式大獎賽後的又一力作,遊戲通過收購和培養球員來建立世界第一的豪門俱樂部,同時贏得大量的球迷的支援也非常重要!在主場周邊建設"商店","溫泉","新訓練場"等設施,這些都有助於加強球員的發展,吸引更多的球迷。贏得更多的贊助商,用最強的陣容稱霸世界聯賽!快來用你的雙手開創球隊的黃金時期吧!遊戲中支援旋轉觸控式螢幕和滾動,比賽過程中可放大縮小。
Handpick players, train, and battle your way to the top of every league in this sensational soccer team simulation!
Sell merch, erect a gym--even a stadium! Your fanbase will grow as you conquer your rivals and snag the hottest sponsors! The sky's the limit in your quest for ultimate soccer stardom!
As the crowd erupts in jubilation and the screams of "Goal!" echo throughout the stadium, will your team stand victorious? Try your hand at being a soccer team manager and find out!
Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games.

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