
[Android 重力感應遊戲] Spike's House Party 斯比克的狂歡派對 v1.01

[Android 重力感應遊戲] Spike's House Party  斯比克的狂歡派對 v1.01

Spike's House Party(斯比克的狂歡派對)是一款具有特殊意義的益智小遊戲,遊戲是為了控制酒精和毒品而設計的。

The FREE Android game from the Oxfordshire DAAT
You've entered Spike's House Party, but it's not what you had in mind! Drugs and alcohol are everywhere, but in order to progress through all 16 levels you'll need to keep a clear head!
Make your way through four exciting stages. Locate the exit and keep moving. Achieve 3 or more stars to unlock the next level. Stay clean and move fast to achieve the maximum 5 stars!
Spike's House Party is a smartphone game developed by the Oxfordshire Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT) as part of our exciting social marketing campaign.


