
[Android 回合制策略遊戲] 小小的戰爭 Great Little War Game v1.01 (已付費版)

[Android 回合制策略遊戲] 小小的戰爭 Great Little War Game v1.01 (已付費版)

Great Little War Game(小小的戰爭)是一款從iOS平臺上移植過來的大型回合制戰棋類遊戲,遊戲採用了精細的3D介面,呈現給你一副逼真的戰鬥場面。在這款遊戲中,玩家需要加入到紅藍大戰大軍中來,遊戲具有多種不同的地形,囊括了海陸空三個不同的層次。你能夠指揮從普通士兵到裝甲車、坦克、軍艦甚至是武裝直升機這樣的做站單位。
[b][color=red]注:遊戲可能需要聯網登陸 openfeint 平臺才會比較穩定,在不登陸的情況下測試,出現多次強行退出的情況,登陸後一切正常。各位機友們可以自行測試。[/color][/b]
Invade your neighbours, spread mayhem and destruction, drink a little tea! GLWG is the hit 3D turn-based strategy game that everyone's talking about. With a unique comical style and plenty of laughs and excitement, you'll keep coming back again and again for "just one more go." Core Features:
❋ Campaign mode
❋ Multiplayer mode
❋ Skirmish mode
❋ openFeint achievements
❋ Four difficulty settings
❋ Lush visuals
❋ Full 3D terrain affects gameplay
❋ Simple control method
❋ Lots of units
❋ Lots of terrain types
❋ High replayability
❋ Tons of humour
❋ Absolutely no birds or zombies Take command of your army and battle the foe on land, sea and air but be sure to make wise decisions as you go. You want to deploy your soldiers to take full advantage of the higher terrain, natural choke points, ambush spots and defensive walls. Get it right and the bad guys will lose to your superior strategy skills. See what the critics are saying: ❋ TapScape review: 10/10 "Great Little War Game is just that: a well-designed and enjoyable tactical war game perfect for those who enjoy the lighter side of virtual warfare."
❋ Touch Arcade review: 5/5 "I'll call Great Little War Game "great" without hesitation" ... "the kind of game you can really sink your teeth into, which is rare enough. So I'm delighted to discover that it's also rich in features, good looking and full of humor." ❋ Top10.com: First place (march) "The lavish production values of the game, incredible attention to detail and excellent animation gives you a sense of aerial, naval and land warfare that gets as good as you can expect on a small screen"
❋ Infinipixel review: 9.5/10 "Between the improved AI and wonderful new modes, I'm going to have to give GLWG a solid 10 in this category. It features the best gameplay I've found in any mobile turn based strategy game I've played to date."
Varied missions are the order of the day here - capture the enemy HQ, escort the Generalissimo to safety, guide small squads behind enemy lines, defend your base...you get the picture. There are 30 missions included, so it's going to be one crazy ride if you decide you’re brave enough to give them a try. What are waiting for? Right now, as you sit reading this, there is a battalion of soldiers just waiting for your command. Download Great Little War Game now and take your place alongside your troops. Lead well, live long and have fun.
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