
[Android 解密益智遊戲] The Lost City 失落之城 v1.0.0 付費版

[Android 解密益智遊戲] The Lost City 失落之城 v1.0.0 付費版

失落之城The Lost City是一款由Fire Maple Games公司出品的解密益智類遊戲,遊戲的故事背景是講述曾經當過探險家的奶奶,從小給你講那些神奇的冒險故事,而在你面前的這座失落之城,隱藏在雲霧繚繞的密林深處,在任何地圖上都沒有這座城市的記載,儘管城市已經沉睡多年,你依然能感受到有股神秘的力量圍繞在它周圍。傳說城中的居民擁有神奇的力量可以控制四季,但是沒人相信傳說,除了奶奶,你帶著奶奶給你的神秘石頭,踏上了激動人心的冒險之旅,揭開失落之城的神秘面紗,你會成功麼?

A gorgeous new puzzle/adventure game from Fire Maple Games! Grandma was right. Nobody really believed her. Not even you, her favorite grandchild. But she was right. And more so than you could ever imagine. The city before you, deep in the mist shrouded forest, can't be found on any map. It shouldn't even exist. Though it's been asleep for a long time, you feel a mysterious power begin to awaken from the ruins around you. Legend has it the civilization that built this place could somehow control the seasons. But nobody listens to legends. Nobody except Grandma. And she was right. You look again at the artifact she gave you. Close to this lost city, it almost seems alive in your hand. The city does exist. It's real. Could the secret magic, powerful enough to change the seasons, be real too? Features:
• Inspired by classic point and click adventure games!
• Beautiful graphics that draw you into this mesmerizing adventure!
• Lots of items to collect and puzzles to solve!
• Original soundtrack and sound effects!
• A journal that keeps track of all the symbols and clues that you encounter.
• A dynamic map that shows all of the areas you have explored, as well as your current location.
• A complete hint guide and walkthrough built right into the game.
• The Lost City has been translated into several languages - with more coming soon!

