★ 絢麗刺激的豎版飛行遊戲 Endless War – 無盡之戰 ★
★ Android漢化版貼心上架!飛行無阻,給力無盡 ★
★ 超簡單觸屏操控戰機!緊密跟隨你的手指,讓你指下生輝 ★
★ 高保真質感音效!華麗細膩的畫面處理!無盡的樂趣與激情盡在 Endless War ★
★ 故事背景 ★
2132年,長期的惡性競爭終於耗盡了地球最後的資源。曾經文明一時的人類,親手毀滅掉了自身賴以生存的空間,藍寶石般的地球沈寂為一顆死亡之星。人類被迫浪跡星宇, 但卻與外星人不幸遭遇。為了確保有限的生存資源,人類拒絕了外星人和平共處的建議,決心憑借戰爭來搶占資源先機。但人類低估了外星人,最終被對手高度發達的科技實力挫敗,並淪為外星奴長達30年之久。在臥薪嘗膽30年後的2162年,人類終於成功掌握了外星人的核心技術,渴望自由之吼聲在壓抑了30個春秋後最終爆發!由此,人類與外星人的激戰一發而不可收拾…… ★ 遊戲特征 ★
- 3種機型任意選擇;各機型均可分3階段升級;
- 提供4種核心武器加2種輔助武器;
- 視覺效果絢麗十足;質感音效律動無限;
- 支持OpenFeint玩家排行。 ★ 遊戲方式 ★
部分UI在激活狀態下可點。 ★ 道具應用 ★
Requirements: Android 2.0+
Overview: Face off against squadron after squadron of advanced alien fighters in an endless war for survival!
Mankind has had to abandon Earth, and in the process has become embroiled in an endless war where victory is the only hope for survival. Endless War is an adrenaline rush disguised as a vertically scrolling space shooter. Choose your aircraft, develop your weapons and defenses, upgrade your equipment, and wreak total destruction on your alien opponents.
Human fighters must dominate fifteen planets to ensure complete domination. Each will present its own challenges as the alien forces shift tactics and employ ever-more-advanced technology against you. To succeed, you must build the ultimate fighting machine and hone your strategies to razor-sharp precision.
▶ Reviews:
★★★★★"A great iPhone-only bullet hell shooter that shoot ‘em up fans will want to check out" - AppAdvice
★★★★★ "Great, fun, and challenging game that any hard** or casual gamer will be delighted to try out." - Tapscape
★★★★★ "This action-packed little app has brilliant sound and marvellous stunning graphics with visual effects to die for" - iPhoneGlance
▶ Features
- 3 different fighter profiles can be saved, giving players the opportunity to experiment with different equipment and tactics
- Choose your fighter from 3 types of aircraft, each offering its own unique combat experience
- Develop your offenses using 6 different weapons (4 primary and 2 expansions)
- Enhance your capabilities through weapons, ship, and shield upgrades
- Utilize a variety of items—black holes, matrix time warps, HP boosters, shield boosters, resurrection tokens, and more
- Charge your stamina bar to make devastating shock-and-awe wide-range attacks
- Touch based controls are intuitive and simple to pick up and play
- OpenFeint is enabled for 24 hour rolling stats
▶ How to Control
*Basic Control
Fast & Easy control by Touch & Drag
Touch based User interface is available by activated condition
*Item Use
Wide area attack by charging stamina gauge
Matrix: Momentarily decrease the speed of enemy’s aircraft and missile
Black hole: Absorb enemy’s missile