
[Andriod 車類遊戲] Jet Car Stunts 1.02

[Andriod 車類遊戲] Jet Car Stunts 1.02

火箭汽車特技 Jet Car Stunts

帶給你的就是速度感,一款高速行駛的噴著火的汽車,看著兩旁的景物不斷飛速的往後退去,Android Forum 確實能給人刺激。

- 令人印象深刻的加速模式
- 非常真實的物理特效
- 游戲中一共有36個風格迥異的關卡
- 游戲支持多人對戰模式
- 漂亮的漂移動作
- 絕佳的速度感伴隨你的游戲時間
- 支持在線排行榜和成就

I’ve been a fan of Jet Car Stunts, the single-player rocket-car agility game from True Axis, for awhile now. Since the game has recently gotten an upgrade from the devs, one that has made the already fun game an even better addition to your iOS device, now is certainly the time for those who have not yet found this little gem to try it out.

In Jet Car Stunts, you take control of a red, rocket-powered car and jump, fly, spin, and skid your way across a series of floating trick tracks. You have two options to begin: play one of 25 Platforming tracks (my favorites), where you are free to execute the most awesome stunts; or tackle one of the 10 Time Trial tracks, where you must execute more linear stunts as you complete laps. Playing each track and performing each jump requires a mix of speed and accuracy, and the fun comes in trying to get as accurate as you can, while still maintaining speed. There’s no joy in being an old fuddy-duddy on these tracks.

Executing a game like this requires solid design and controls, and True Axis scores on both counts. The car handles well with accelerometer steering and touch accelleration, if perhaps just a touch unrealistically; and once you get used to it you’ll be able to send it more or less where you want it to be. You’ll rarely be frustrated by a good jump being soured by poor touch controls. And since there’s a lot of different difficulty settings, there’s something to please both casual players and dedicated gamers.

The fun gameplay is accompanied by some truly excellent visuals. The polygonal, cell-shaded tracks are minimalist and eye-catching, while the sky-high backdrop casts the whole thing in sharp, bright sunlight (and adds an element of highwire flavor). While some players might find things a little too plain for their tastes, I thought it fit the game just fine.

If you’ve never heard of Jet Car Stunts before, now’s the time to try it. With an iOS4 upgrade and the chance to download additional tracks, it’s a good game that has gotten even better.



