
[Android 趣味遊戲] Touch Mix 觸摸混音台 v1.3.4

[Android 趣味遊戲]  Touch Mix 觸摸混音台 v1.3.4

觸摸混音台Touch Mix是一款從Iphone移植過來的音樂節拍android遊戲,拌著音樂,螢幕會陸續出現不同的音樂節拍的圓形區域,以不同的節奏點擊它們,將會帶來各種不同的音樂體驗。推薦下載。

Pump up the volume and get ready to crack some beats!
Fly your fingers over the music in the all-new TouchMix by GAMEVIL- the most ecstatic rhythm game extravaganza optimized for Android devices.
Beats are generated throughout the entire screen, liberalizing the gameplay from the conventional scroll down button style rhythm games, giving a fulfilling satisfaction of musical pleasure while listening to high quality, vast layered audio samples used in each music.

