
[Android 解謎遊戲] The Sanctuary 聖殿 v1.1

[Android 解謎遊戲] The Sanctuary 聖殿 v1.1

聖殿(The Sanctuary)是一款解謎類遊戲,約翰在一個風雨交加的夜晚開車回的家鄉。雨非常大,造成他一直看不到黑影在路中間的原因,他出事了。最後只記得墜毀的輪廓和他的車出了軌道。他昏迷,當他醒來時,他發現自己的房間,鎖上的門。約翰不知道這是什麼地方或將他帶到這裡。他知道他需要滾出去這地方儘快學習對所有這些問題的答案和更多。

“Your mind is prison, your body is sanctuary”
John was driving to his hometown on a stormy night. The rain was very heavy, that was why he couldn’t notice dark silhouette at the middle of the road until the very last moment. The last thing he can remember that he crashed the silhouette and his car got out of the track. He became unconscious and when he woke up he found himself in room with a locked door. John has no idea what this place is or who brought him to here. All he knows that he needs to get out of this place as soon as possible to learn the answers to all of these questions and more.
The Sanctuary is an adventure and hidden objects game that offers you a completely unique experience. Help John to complete his quest and reveal all of his mysteries. In the game you will travel through fantastic locations and solve amazing puzzles. The story will take you through time, place, fantasy and memory. John needs answers to end this mystery and you are the only one who can help him.
- Thrilling and powerful story
- 21 levels that contain adventure and hidden objects elements
- Challenging puzzles
- Well-crafted game artwork

