
[Android 模擬經營遊戲] Burger 漢堡達人 v1.0.1

[Android 模擬經營遊戲] Burger 漢堡達人 v1.0.1

想成為超級員工嗎? 這是Magma Mobile最新的一個模擬餐廳服務員的免費遊戲。設計非常精美! 在這個遊戲中,你將在一個連鎖餐廳里當服務生,需要盡量快速的服務客人,以幫你自己賺到更多的錢和消費。從你客人那裡接收訂單,菜單裡包含三明治,配菜,點心和蘇打。你玩得越多,食材就越多! 如果敢接受挑戰就試試職業模式吧,在裡面你將每天遇到日益困難的關卡! 從周一工作到週六,努力達到你的目標,賺取更多的錢和更多的積分。如果你成為了最佳員工,你還可以解鎖很多很多成就! 時間就是金錢!你也可以試試在限時攻擊模式,看看在限定的時間內你可以最多收集到多少金幣! 這個時間管理類的遊戲一定能夠讓你和你家人玩得開心! 漢堡特點: - 食材列表:麵包,肉,生菜,西紅柿,奶酪,洋蔥,黃瓜,蛋黃醬,番茄醬,熏肉,魚,鬆餅,冰淇淋,薯條,土豆和汽水。 - 超過300個關卡和40個成就 現在就來玩漢堡並成為漢堡達人吧!

Take up the challenge and try the Career Mode to cope with a higher difficulty each day of the year! Work from Monday to Saturday and reach your goal to get more money and new ingredients for the service. Then if you are a great employee, you will even unlock a lot of achievements! Time is money! Try also to do your best in the Time Attack Mode to collect a maximum of coins within the time limit! This time management game will definitely entertain and challenge you and your family! Features of Burger: -Ingredients’ list : bread, meat, lettuce, tomato, cheese, onion, cucumber, mayonnaise, tomato ketchup, bacon, fish, muffins, ice creams, french fries, potatoes and sodas -More than 300 levels and 40 achievements for burger’s maniac So come play Burger and become the master king of burgers!

