
[Android ARPG 遊戲] Seed 3 戰爭旋渦 3 v1.07

[Android ARPG 遊戲] Seed 3 戰爭旋渦 3 v1.07

Seed(起源)系列遊戲是安卓平臺上的一個明星系列的遊戲,安致迷以前發佈過這款遊戲的第二個版本SEED2 - Vortex of War(起源2:戰爭旋渦),不過今天我們看到的是第三個版本:起源3-命運的束縛(Seed 3-Confines of Fate )。
遊戲中一共提供了四種職業,技能點的分配,龐大的劇情,道具熟練度及強化物品,凹槽,組合系統等多種有趣的因素;任務的主要任務(必須進行)與支線任務 (選擇進行)的區分及多種任務提升了玩家對遊戲的興趣. 還有6種被動技能及24種主動技能會讓你體會到前所未有的震撼感。
- 獨特的職業系統:騎士、戰士、弓箭手和精靈
- 遊戲的戰鬥系統:各種攻擊技能和防禦技能
- 各種遊戲模式:比如海軍作戰、競技場、舞龍比賽等等
- 不同類型的任務:你可以征服各種怪物、收集、保護等等
- 更先進的服裝系統:能夠讓你創建自己喜歡的人物角色
- 支援網路存儲和交易

★ Introduction of Game
Third volume of Seed Series (Seed 3) with record of 1 million downloads all over the world has been released. Mikhail, a new hero, appears. The story begins from Mashima Kingdom existing at the opposite side of Khalikuf continent whish was the central place for volume 1 & 2. It depends on your choice and decision whether the hero, Makhail, can fight on against his fate. ★ Characteristics of Game 1. 4 distinctive occupations system
4 kinds of distinctive occupations such as knight, warrior, archer and wizard can be selected and a unique combat system per occupation can be experienced. 2. Excellent feeling of blow and action
5 kinds of buff skills and more than 24 kinds of attack and defense skills can be used, and the splendid presentation of each skill offers a lively compulsive viewing combat even for a moment. The new conceptual runaway mode is an important technique to attempt a dramatic reversal. 3. Various game systems
By realizing various game systems such as naval combat, arena, dragon race, etc., it satisfies the user’s various requirements and doubles the fun of game with getting out of the repeated monster hunting. 4. Various types of quests
By pursuing variety in the composition of quests such as subjugation of monster, collection, transfer, protection major NPC, guard, rescue, naval combat, battle with invading into the ship, strengthening of equipment, etc., it is composed in order for the user to feel a new fun as the user repeat the game. 5. More advanced clothing system
The unique clothes are provided for each of all equipment items, so the appearance of character is changed according to the item to be worn. Try to create your own beautiful character with the more advanced clothing system. 6. Possible to continue game by three rounds
It is possible to enjoy plays by three rounds with succession of the ability values and items after ending a game. 7. Network storage and trading
Try to deposit items or trade them with other users through network in the system menu. 8. Strange Dungeon
It can be entered through NPC of arena manager in the village and high level of equipment can be obtained.

