
[Android MMO策略遊戲] Titans Mobile 泰坦族 v1.0

[Android MMO策略遊戲] Titans Mobile 泰坦族 v1.0

《Titans Mobile》是一款以古希臘為主題的遊戲,號召你的英雄和軍隊,甚至是泰坦族也能幫助你征服世界,這是個人類與諸神並存的時代。


-Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) War Strategy Game!
-Build a terrifying army to rule the world of both human and gods!
-BATTLE millions of Real-life opponents LIVE!
-DUEL with other heroes in the arena
-SANCTION your most hatred enemy to get him hunted down!
-RETINA graphics, great visual effects and animations!
-100+ unique infantry, cavalry, warships, siege machines and legendary monsters!
-300+ equipment
-100+ quests and tasks
-200+ Ancient Greek heroes, even GODS under your command!
-60+ Achievements
-Choose to fight for one of 4 City-States: Athens, Troy, Crete, and Sparta!
-Explore the RICH and FANTASTIC world of Ancient Greek Mythology

