
[Android 動作遊戲] Jail Escape 越獄 v1.0

[Android 動作遊戲] Jail Escape 越獄 v1.0

「快跑!快跑!快跑!沒有拖延的時間!」邁克爾有一個越獄計畫。因為有個黑手黨老大,已經為他設下的陷阱,並把他推到監獄。邁克爾必須越獄搶救他的妻子,你應該全力説明他。通過隧道和秘密的房間,最終來到監獄的院子,越過圍牆。期間小心從後面突然跑出來的衛士。小心,一旦他們看到你你就被捕了。盡最大努力逃出監獄,找到你的自由!遊戲操作:左右鍵行走上下鍵蹲下或爬行跳躍鍵都明白~ 還有一個是執行鍵,遇到特殊事件時可以用來啟動

Jail Escape "Run! Run! Run! No time to delay!" Michael got a plan. He needed to escape from the prison to rescue his wife from the mafia boss, who had set a trap for him and pushed him to prison. What you should do is to make your way through tunnels and secret rooms to ultimately steal scross the yard and over the wall. Sneak up behind guards to knock them out. But be careful, they'll hear you if you run. Avoid search lights by hiding in the shaodows. Try your best to escape the prison, to find your freedom!! How to Play: left & right key to walk up key to reach up down key to crouch or climb down "Run" Key to run "Jump" key to jump up

